Schools face such a wide range of challenges that our work always starts with a great deal of listening. Since there is no standard solution to the complex nature of helping children find their way in life. Building a supportive working relationship is key – whether it be with Principals, Head Teachers, SENCOs, Teachers and their colleagues, in order to build a set of common principles and values for the partnership.
One of the main aims of our work in Schools is to transfer the relevant skills and techniques to teachers and all other staff in contact with the children through training, coaching and professional development supervision and organisational development. This includes working with CEOs, Executives, Senior Leadership teams and the whole school community.
Every project has to start with a lot of listening.
A typical process might include:
“Emma’s work in the school has been a vital tool in the school’s aims to improve the life chances of the children and her impact on their wellbeing has been immeasurable. The tailored approach she has been able to offer has meant that not only have individual children and families gained massively from her support, but the staff as a whole have a much more developed understanding about the therapeutic needs of children and, as a result, are able to meet their needs better.” Senior Director of a large Multi-Academy Trust
“The transition programme that Emma developed for us was more extensive and far-reaching than any other I have come across. The programme enabled us to have more contact with children prior to their start in school following a clear and easily understandable therapeutic model. As a result of this work, parents felt very well supported, staff had a greater understanding of how to support very young children to settle, and the children themselves started their Reception year very smoothly. Not only did this impact on how settled children were when they started but also gave them a secure springboard which meant their progress across Reception was markedly better.” Senior Director of a large Multi-Academy Trust
“Transition to secondary can be a highly stressful time for children, parents and staff but this programme has helped ease this potentially unsettling phase. The activities are easily accessible to be delivered by support staff which makes this really manageable and secondary schools report the impact this has on children when they arrive in Year 7 – children are more resilient and ready for their secondary school compared to others”. Senior Director of a large Multi-Academy Trust
“MAPPS had a transformational impact on the school in a short period of time due to the deep therapeutic thinking and research that went into its development. The lesson structure is easy to follow whilst having enough flexibility to respond to the needs of the classes, and the implementation support from Emma was invaluable. The impact is very clear across the school; MAPPS has not only impacted significantly on children’s understanding of themselves but we saw very quickly the application of what they had learned into their classroom discussions and a greater awareness of their learning. For staff, the training has given teachers a deeper knowledge base that has not only supported the children’s emotional wellbeing but also their approach to teaching and learning. Through this work, the school as a whole has become a more ‘aware’ environment which ultimately impacts on the wider provision children receive.” Senior Director of a large Multi-Academy Trust
The Emma Red Company also works with the Family Court Service as an Expert Witness in family dispute situations.
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